Saturday 23 March 2013

A is for Acquisitions

I have realised that this blog has been Seriously Neglected. I'm a bit sad about that because I enjoyed writing it so I've decided to try and resurrect it by giving myself a task as an incentive. I came across the idea of an A-Z blog today and that was just what I needed to get me going again :) A post a week starting with A, so here goes...


I have somehow managed to acquire six cats. Yes, SIX CATS. That's a lot of cats. Way more cats than I ever dreamed of acquiring I can tell you. I may have to make my C post the story of The Cats, but they'll be competing with Cake and Charity Shops I think.  I posted a picture of one of them (Priscilla) in a previous entry, but here is a photo of two of the newer ones:
Mummy cat Delilah, a stray, and baby cat Mabel. We also still have Mabel's brother, Teapot, and sister, Spider.
The buttons are SO cute!
Beautiful pale blue tapestry fabric
I have also acquired, this week, a rather gorgeous summer coat from my local charity shop. I confess (ooh, another potential C) to being a charity shopaholic and could fill an entire blog with my bargains! Despite the Dry Clean Only label it appears to have survived the washing machine and I can't wait for some actual summer in which to wear it :)
And I couldn't resist a pair of sparkly earrings... okay, make that two pairs.

Next week's Random Rambling - B. Suggestions anyone?